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Topic: Community

  1. Hartford, to its credit, explores potential of 5G technology
    Civic leaders in Hartford invited SDN executives to talk about small cell technology at an Aug. 16 meeting of the Hartford Area Development Foundation.
  2. Have some fun! Check out ‘Mystic Forest’ and other sculptures
    Julie McKay and Karen Nagel have been among the tens of thousands of people who have checked out the 2019 edition of SculptureWalk in downtown Sioux Falls.
  3. SDN experts pay it forward to train future telecom pros
    Industry representatives who serve on the Information Systems Technology Curriculum Board help the school make sure that its technical curriculum is up to date and that faculty members are aware of new technologies in the field.
  4. UPTIME is on its way; Wi-Fi trailer delivers connectivity to local events
    SDN Communications’ new Wi-Fi Trailer was a popular attraction at community gatherings around South Dakota during its first event season. The trailer is expected to be in even greater demand in 2019.
  5. Computer immersion program teaches kids to think critically
    Older students at Lowell Elementary School in Sioux Falls coded laptop computers to build images of multistory structures. Others programmed small, robotic vehicles to stop, go or turn on their command.
  6. Boys Scouts get support from SDN and business community
    The Sioux Council of the Boy Scouts of America plans to raise nearly $1.6 million to improve scouting facilities at its regional center in Sioux Falls and SDN will play a role in making it happen.
  7. Bicycle ride highlights scenic, friendly nooks and crannies of S.D.
    RASDak 2018, the sixth annual Ride Across South Dakota, will be held that week. Bike riders will see and experience scenic, friendly nooks and crannies across the middle of the state. “Tales on historic Trails,” is the slogan for the ride from Sioux Falls to Hulett, Wyo.
  8. MTI telecom program offers students a promising career path
    Eighteen students are on track to graduate in May from Mitchell Technical Institute with degrees in telecommunications. About 90 job opportunities await them.
  9. SDN employees step up to help elementary school
    Several elementary schools in Sioux Falls don’t enjoy the benefit of having active parent-teacher groups. The schools’ students miss out on the volunteer help and the financial assistance that parent organizations typically provide.
  10. SDN employees consistently come through for charities
    The company’s 160 employees contributed more than $53,000 in cash to charitable causes in the Sioux Falls area during 2017. That comes out to about $332 apiece.
  11. South Dakota city leaders embrace small cell technology at annual conference
    People living in cities expect broadband to be delivered as efficiently as water, says Sioux Falls Public Works Director Mark Cotter.
  12. Nat'l telemedicine panel highlights Avera eCARE, where connections are more human than technical
    Sometimes SDN Communications gets referred to as a pioneer provider in the telemedicine field because of our long partnership with Avera eCARE. That gives us too much credit; we only provide the fiber or pipe, if you will, for the eCARE Emergency connection envisioned long ago by the smart IT folks and doctors at Avera.
  13. Public schools deserve a little extra community support
    “We’re part of the community. What the Sioux Falls Public Schools do is educate the next generation of the community,” says Vernon Brown, vice president of marketing and community relations at SDN. “We feel a strong obligation to assist with that. Tax dollars don’t cover all the needs.”
  14. Skewered fish among 56 attractions of SculptureWalk 2017
    “Fishkabobs,” a creation of sculptor Robert Bruce of Sioux Falls, is quirky and fun. It’s one of 56 sculptures on display in the downtown area this summer as part of the 2017 SculptureWalk Sioux Falls program.
  15. Planned emergency communications network advancing
    The development of a robust, wireless broadband network for America’s first responders is expected to reach a significant milestone in June. The First Responder Network Authority, or FirstNet, is developing the first high-speed, nationwide, broadband network dedicated to public safety.
  16. Thune DSU event melds professional, parental experiences for SDN CEO
    Every parent experiences moments where pride and fear can collide. I felt one of those potentially explosive moments at Sen. John Thune’s packed event at Dakota State University last week. When the senator opened for student questions, I looked back and saw my son, Michael, at the microphone.
  17. Avera Navigation Center for cancer patients has great first year
    Jamie Arens and her staff take pride in the first-year achievements of the Avera Cancer Institute Navigation Center. During its first year of operation, the center addressed 511 barriers to health care.
  18. Get the latest business stories from the most credible source
    Jodi Schwan uncovers the biggest business news in Sioux Falls. She covers it prolifically, from bar openings to multi-million dollar deals, and she delivers the news first, accurately and without sensation.
  19. SDN expands its fruitful internship program to high school level
    During the past several years, SDN Communications has really built up its internship program for college students. Sioux Falls-based SDN’s internship program is more than a good corporate deed. It helps the company attract and groom good future employees.
  20. Business Resource Network helps companies, employees put people first
    The most difficult barriers that confront people with disabilities are attitudinal, Vicki Kerkvliet says. Some people with disabilities are wrongly considered second-class citizens rather than recognized for their abilities.