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  1. Heather Kranz leads TrioTel’s 100% fiber network into the future
    As a staff member at TrioTel Communications, Heather Kranz saw major transformations over the past 21 years, from digital television options to fiber. The challenges of adapting to ongoing change are what keep Kranz engaged in the industry, especially in her new role as CEO/General Manager of TrioTel Communications, Inc.
  2. SDN names expanding data center site 'Mark Shlanta Technology Park'
    How does a business show appreciation to its visionary? In the case of SDN Communications, its data center site northwest of Sioux Falls will be named the Mark Shlanta Technology Park in honor of its late, long-serving CEO. SDN Board of Managers President Denny Law, who also leads SDN Member Company Golden West Telecommunications of Wall made the announcement Wednesday evening at an industry dinner.
  3. From digging ditches, to vice president of sales; Meet Ryan Dutton
    Ryan Dutton, SDN Communications’ newly promoted Vice President of Sales learned the industry from the ground up, literally. Dutton spent his high school summers digging ditches for Bevcomm, a rural independent broadband provider based in Blue Earth, Minnesota.
  4. Mark Shlanta to be inducted into South Dakota Hall of Fame
    We’re proud to announce that Mark Shlanta, former SDN Communications Chief Executive Officer, will be inducted into the South Dakota Hall of Fame (SDHoF) this fall.
  5. Meet Ryan Punt, our new CEO
    Ryan Punt didn’t always dream of a career in telecommunications. The Stickney High School grad studied accounting his freshman year of college, at the urging of his parents. But it was the mid-1990s, and this thing called the internet was exploding around the world.
  6. Fiber, fiber and more fiber in 2022
    SDN Communications' teams have plenty of projects on their plate for 2022. The fiber footprint is growing more than ever before and the SDN Data Center is doubling in size - all in an effort to support and deliver UPTIME to customers and member companies.
  7. Former SDN CEO, board president bonded over advancing broadband, living with cancer
    Starting 23 years ago, two young men working to advance South Dakota broadband services met for breakfast before every SDN Communications board meeting. Newly hired SDN CEO Mark Shlanta and newly elected SDN Board President Bryan Roth found value in the face-to-face meetings to drive success for the young company.
  8. Up-And-Comer: Jamie Stanley
    Jamie Stanley, a carrier management coordinator at SDN Communications, was recently featured in SiouxFalls.Business, as an Up-And-Comer in the community and leadership roles with the company.
  9. Internal leadership program grows SDN employees from within
    SDN Communications sees the value of investing in employees to foster leadership. So much so, a new program is underway to further develop a culture of personal and professional growth.
  10. Region’s most hardened building, SDN Data Center, doubling in size
    With 12-inch thick concrete walls able to withstand an F4 tornado (200+ mph winds), the SDN Communications Data Center northwest of Sioux Falls sometimes gets referred to as the “Bunker,” and now it’s going to double in size for potential future tenants.
  11. ReConnect to deliver connectivity just in time for Black Hills-area growth
    One realtor calls the ReConnect project “revolutionary,” and is excited for the possibilities it will bring. “For people who want to live and work remotely in this area, having high-speed internet is imperative. This will be amazing.”
  12. Ten lessons I learned from my boss, Mark Shlanta
    The recent passing of our visionary and former, long-serving CEO Mark Shlanta casts a dark shadow over our office. But as we try to find our bearings in his passing, Vernon Brown shares the more personal leadership gifts he provided.
  13. SDN mourns loss of former CEO Mark Shlanta
    SDN’s employees and Member Companies mourn the loss of its former, long-time visionary Chief Executive Officer Mark Shlanta. He died February 23, 2022, just more than a week after his 57th birthday and following a two-year battle with cancer.
  14. Rural telecommunication companies future-proof SD
    The independent broadband companies of South Dakota have made huge strides in delivering fiber internet services across the state. In fact, 93% of South Dakota homes, businesses and farms served by rural telecommunication companies are connected by high-speed fiber,
  15. Appreciate your reliable business broadband? SDN ad explores the alternative
    Imagine a world without the reliable services SDN Communications delivers every day. It could be a nightmare for IT professionals, remote workers, and even parents of sick kids trying to do a telehealth visit.
  16. SDN's Sarah Tuntland blends her creative side with accounting background to make an impact
    Sarah Tuntland calls herself a problem solver — whether that’s crunching numbers as part of her day job or volunteering with non-profit boards across the community.
  17. Missed field trip connected Eich to opportunities that led to telecom career
    Dan Eich is the Director of Wholesale and Carrier Management for SDN Communications, where he’s been employed since 2010. How he got there can be traced back to missing out on a field trip.
  18. 'Dean of the South Dakota lobbyists' defied stereotype to become industry’s greatest advocate
    One of my best friends, Greg Dean, was a lobbyist – the “Dean of the South Dakota lobbyists” – who earned that designation by representing the reason we have lobbyists in government: Their power for good.
  19. People are at the center of our 'Top 2021 Articles'
    When it comes down to it, people want to read about other people and how technology affects those people. So, it should be no surprise to learn that SDN Communications' top blog article of 2021 was about two people in the company.
  20. 5 Reasons Why Fiber Internet Edges-out Satellite Service for South Dakota
    With the state of South Dakota’s heavy investment in fiber connectivity for residential and business internet, critics argue satellite services could be the better option. A national internet connectivity expert based in Mitchell says that’s wrong for several reasons.