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Topic: Business Internet

  1. The law that will forever change SD's economy
    It’s important we acknowledge neither the telephone nor electric service would have ever reached rural South Dakota without a government investment triggering a public partnership benefitting us yet today. The same can be said of high-speed broadband service.
  2. Governor Kristi Noem Announces 24 Broadband Grant Awards
    Governor Kristi Noem announced today that 24 grants have been awarded to fund broadband projects to better connect unserved and underserved areas across South Dakota.
  3. Build Dakota scholarship offers debt-free tech degrees in high-need careers
    2020 Mitchell Technical Institute graduate Connor Wendland’s face has appeared on several marketing pieces, including a billboard banner visible along Interstate 90. He wasn’t paid for his modeling gig but he did graduate debt-free thanks to the Build Dakota scholarship program.
  4. Tribal telecom is unique in S.D. and distinguished nationally
    Through the years, the C.R.S.T. Telephone Authority has served as a model, inspiration and national advocate for other tribal telecoms. Its network has been 100 percent fiber since 2016 and is growing.
  5. Building the internet of tomorrow
    SDN Communications constantly evaluates its entire network and plans for the future. The pandemic hasn’t changed that – it was a proof of performance. The projects planned for 2021 will continue to position the company’s network to meet future needs and improve the network in four key areas.
  6. Broadband access for everyone? That's the goal of a bill in Pierre
    Approximately 135,0000 South Dakotans do not have access to broadband to meet their needs. But a hallmark piece of legislation that aims to bring broadband service to all of South Dakota in a finite number of years is making progress through the 2021 legislative session.
  7. Hope, Connection and People: The Top SDN Articles of 2020
    The stories from 2020 certainly reflected the environment of the world, with people adjusting their schedules to stay safe during a global pandemic. But there were also stories of growth and investment, as well as faces of the industry.
  8. Rich Coit says ‘so long’ after 27 years of leading SDTA
    Rich Coit has played an important role in helping rural telecoms across the state to develop broadband connectivity and other telecommunications services for nearly 28 years. He's now moving to the next phase of his life as he retires from the SDTA.
  9. Grants help S.D. make headway to extend lifeline, connect rural areas
    With the help of two years of state and federal grant programs, telecoms serving rural South Dakota are adding nearly $100 million in infrastructure and significantly improving broadband services in underserved areas.
  10. TV documentary on connecting rural SD is worth seeing
    Bringing good, broadband connectivity to remote areas of South Dakota is a historic undertaking nearly as challenging and potentially as rewarding as was delivering electricity to rural residents in the mid-20th Century.
  11. ICYMI: October was also National Co-op Month
    Rushmore Electric Cooperative and its member cooperatives have stepped up to the challenge of bringing a collective, affordable power supply to rural western South Dakota. It's grown and evolved over the past seven decades. And that ongoing investment is worth celebrating beyond National Co-op Month.
  12. One political issue everyone agrees on and it benefits South Dakota
    Jennifer Fritzsche calls fiber the “connective tissue” that enables today’s online trends. And thanks to public-private partnerships with the state of South Dakota and the federal government, even more people and businesses in South Dakota are getting access to broadband connectivity.
  13. Review the past to grasp the future of connected devices
    The International Data Corporation, a global provider of IT information and other market services, has estimated that by 2025, the average person will interact with connected devices nearly 4,800 times a day. That’s about one interaction every 18 seconds.
  14. New grants will improve connectivity in the Black Hills and across S.D.
    The coming expansion of broadband connectivity in the northern Black Hills has businessman Matt Keck feeling joyful. “It’s like Christmas Day,” said Keck.
  15. USDA Awards $6 Million Grant to SDN for High-Speed Broadband in Rural SD
    ReConnect Funding to Connect 487 Rural Households to High-Speed Internet e-Connectivity
  16. Good connectivity helps people get behavioral care they need
    The spread of COVID-19 has created significant challenges in delivering medical services. Fortunately, the expanding availability of broadband connectivity is helping people get the behavioral care they need to cope with the stresses of life.
  17. Telehealth effectively helps fight virus, but legal work remains
    When COVID-19 started hitting Avera Health’s regional market area, the Sioux Falls-based system set up a hotline to handle all the inquiries that began flooding in. Soon, virtual care was in high demand.
  18. Not all internet is created equal
    If you plan to compare internet options available in your market, that’s great. Times change. So do company offerings and your needs. Just keep in mind that there are variables to consider that go beyond the package price including the overall quality of service and longer-term costs.
  19. Good connectivity is more important than ever for schools
    Good, reliable, electronic communication systems will be more important than ever during the 2020-21 school year. That’s largely because of COVID-19. However, the use of technology in schools was increasing steadily even before the pandemic.
  20. Technicians keep networks running smoothly, even during pandemic
    Two groups of behind-the-scenes employees at SDN have helped keep regional commerce flowing during the COVID-19 pandemic by maintaining a smooth flow of electronic information within and across the region.