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Topic: Cybersecurity

  1. Beware: Ransomware is weapon of choice for cyber thieves
    Ransomware has become the single largest cybersecurity threat facing most businesses, and risks continue to rise. Other forms of malware remain significant threats, especially to small businesses. But other malware appears to have hit a wall, at least temporarily, in terms of growth, according to national security experts.
  2. DDoS attacks growing in frequency and severity
    Encouraging news for businesses: slightly more than half of all Distributed Denial of Service attacks are gamers attacking other gamers to get a competitive edge. The more troubling reality: the overall number of DDoS attacks on computing systems is rising, and attacks are getting larger and more frequent.
  3. Ad campaign pays tribute to new heroes of workplace: IT pros
    The underlying message of the ads is especially refreshing and increasingly accurate: IT pros are heroes in the workplace, not nerds who operate invisibly in back rooms. IT pros have enormous responsibilities, and their jobs keep getting bigger.
  4. 3 Easy steps to stay off 2017's Worst Password list
    Computer users who are lax about online security apparently were feeling romantic in 2016. A few affectionate words crept into SplashData’s annual list of bad passwords.
  5. SDN’s Jake VanDewater helps businesses fight cyber threats
    Jake VanDewater is among the experts at SDN Communications who spend their work days making sure the Sioux Falls-based company’s business and organization clients have access to effective cybersecurity services.
  6. Cyberattacks can come from anywhere, even school kids
    When you think about someone planning an electronic attack on a computer network, you probably envision foreign terrorists, domestic criminals or maybe unethical business or political rivals. You probably don’t think about high school students who want to get out of a test or amuse themselves with mischief.
  7. Immunity from hacking has not been granted to law firms
    National news reports last spring indicated that some of the nation’s most prestigious law firms had been hacked. But they're a different kind of cyber target because they accumulate information about legal disputes and regulatory plans more than consumer credit card and Social Security numbers.
  8. Infographic of the month: Password Protection
    Our infographic of the month offers tips and tricks to protect your information and accounts with strong passwords. Use the form to download our trio of cybersecurity awareness posters.
  9. Tips from FBI to prevent and discourage ransomware attacks
    With good reason, this blog has focused a lot of attention in recent months on ransomware, a form of cyberattack been increasing at a rate that is almost alarming. Last year, cybersecurity forensics experts discovered approximately 100 families of ransomware.
  10. Surprise! Your company’s network probably has been breached
    If you’re in business, hackers have probably breached your organization’s computer network at some level. Company leaders might not be aware of the intrusion yet, but they will discover it eventually.
  11. Seven tips to help protect your business from email scams
    The FBI tracks scams in a category called Business Email Compromise. In the 18 months immediately after January 2015 BEC scams cost more than 21,100 domestic and international victims approximately $3.1 billion.
  12. More businesses should consider encrypting sensitive data
    Encryption is the process of converting data into computer coding that cannot be easily deciphered by unauthorized users. However, users with the password or online key can convert the mathematical algorithm back to readable data.
  13. Infographic Of The Month: Phishing Emails
    Don't get hooked! Be on the lookout for the tell-tale signs of a phishing email, before you click! Following these basic steps can help protect your company and customers.
  14. Businesses should take note of consumers’ privacy concerns
    A whopping 92 percent of U.S. Internet users worry about online privacy, and 89 percent say they avoid companies that don’t protect their privacy.
  15. Security experts offer advice to help businesses protect data
    The low-cost and successful nature of scamming operations virtually guarantees their continued existence. So, companies and consumers must be on guard. In fact, increases in cybercrime suggest that prospective victims should be on higher alert than ever before.
  16. Oops, you clicked on a bad link. What should you do now?
    Like technologies, online threats change. Cyber thieves constantly refine their tactics and tools to create new threats. A business network that is safe and secure today might be at risk tomorrow. Businesses have to regularly update their security plans and procedures to keep up.
  17. Hackers zeroing in on data-rich health care industry
    I’ve been on heightened awareness for identity theft for the past 18 months. I was among millions of past and present customers of the health insurance giant Anthem Inc. who were notified in the spring of 2015 that cyber attackers had successfully hacked the company’s electronic records.
  18. Passwords: A recipe for security, words to avoid
    Simplistic, numerical sequences are commonly used for passwords. Six of the 10 most common passwords in 2015 were nothing but numerical sequences. In addition, the top-row, keyboard sequence “qwerty” came in at No. 4.
  19. Protect workstations with good policy, tools and common sense
    Deploying an effectively layered cyber defense means that every point of access in an organization’s network must be strongly protected. That includes workstations. All of them.
  20. Protecting edge of a network from outside world is a big job
    Firewalls have big jobs, and their duties are getting bigger all the time because of the rising frequency and sophistication of attacks.