With winter weather lingering at our doorstep in the Black Hills, we want to provide an update on SDN’s ReConnect project. Awarded in 2019, SDN’s first ReConnect project will expand upon our existing 50,000+ fiber network and extend along highway 44 in Rapid City into the communities of Nemo, Rochford and Silver City. Within these areas, SDN will provide fixed-wireless internet service via 120-foot monopoles we have built in Rochford and Silver City. In Nemo, we have leased space on an existing tower on the north edge of townfor the project — this core fiber route and communications infrastructure will be a key component in providing essential services to residents and businesses alike.
The terrain of the Black Hills has proven to be difficult for fiber construction. We have encountered additional challenges ranging from supply chain delays and material cost increases to major road construction projects along the project route. Despite these obstacles, the ReConnect project remains valuable and necessary, even with some businesses in the area closing. We are proud of the work that has been accomplished so far and appreciate the various local, state and federal agencies that have supported us.
Over 90% of the fiber facilities have been placed in the ground. The remaining areas include complicated river bores, which are technically demanding and require precision engineering. Once these are completed, we will proceed with fiber splicing and start testing network coverage and performance.
When will ReConnect service start?
We intend to set the official date after some of the testing is final, but we are targeting spring 2025 at this time. Our goal is to ensure that the network is fully operational and meets all performance criteria before offering service to the public.

How much will it cost and what are the service levels?
The grant obligations are 25 megabits per second (Mbps) download and 3 Mbps upload. Since that was set in 2019 during the initial application, we intend to adjust those to more applicable rates after network performance testing. Service costs will be established and communicated via our newsletter and marketing materials as we announce the official launch date.
Looking ahead: What are the next steps?
Given the complications of the build and pending winter weather in the Black Hills, there is a high risk that some remaining items we intended to accomplish this year may extend into the 2025 construction season. However, we remain committed to overcoming these challenges and delivering on our promise to provide reliable and high-speed internet to these communities in the Black Hills.
We thank you for your patience and support as we navigate these complexities. Rest assured, the ReConnect project is a top priority, and we are dedicated to seeing it through to completion.
For more information about the ReConnect project, please visit our website and sign up for the ReConnect newsletter.