Gamers of all ages are set to converge at the Sioux Falls Convention Center on Sept. 21 for the inaugural SoDak Circuit esports event.
SoDak Circuit is being powered by SDN Communications, a business connectivity provider in Sioux Falls, as well as its 17 member-owner companies across the state of South Dakota.
SoDak Circuit coincides with the South Dakota High School Activities Association sanctioning esports. During a trial season in 2023-24, 20 teams and approximately 270 students across the state participated.
From the games being played to what hardware will be used and how to pre-register, here’s what you need to know about the inaugural SoDak Circuit:
What games are being offered at SoDak Circuit?
Participants in SoDak Circuit have six titles to choose from: “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe,” “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate”, “Valorant” (teams of 3), “Rocket League” (teams of 3), “Fortnite” and a custom racing simulator.
“Mario Kart 8 Deluxe” and “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” are being played on Nintendo Switch, “Valorant” PCs, “Rocket League” on Xbox One and “Fortnite” on PCs, Xboxes and PlayStations. The racing simulator is a unique experience where competitors get to race side by side through a custom track while sitting in a racing cockpit.
How do I pre-register and how many games can I play?
Participants need to pre-register through the link at SoDakCircuit.com. There are limited spots in each tournament bracket. Because this is a free event, spots are not guaranteed until you check in the morning of the event – between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. Doors open at 7:30 a.m., so be sure to show up early to make sure your place is secure.
Gamers can play “Fortnite,” the custom racing simulator and one other game. Pre-registration is not required for the racing simulator. There is no cap for “Fortnite” or the driving simulator, and registering for the simulator will be done the day of the event.

Does pre-registering guarantee me a spot in the tournament?
No. Please be aware you must check in the morning of SoDak Circuit to secure your place. Once each tournament is full from morning check-ins, no more registrations will be accepted. Brackets will be built from the pool of competitors who have checked in at 9:30 a.m. and there will be no additional check-ins allowed after that time.
Fortnite and the racing simulator are unique in the sense that competitors are not required to check in prior to 9:30 a.m. to compete. For the racing simulator, gamers can simply approach the station to sit down and play. Fortnite has a table where individuals will check in and be assigned a station to use.
I didn’t pre-register. Can I still show up and play?
For the smoothest process and the most likelihood you will be able to participate, be sure to pre-register. If you’re reading this at 7:45 on Saturday morning, come on down! We will get you a spot if we are able.
Are there different divisions based on age?
Yes, there are youth divisions for “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” (ages 10-12) and “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe” (12-and-under) in addition to the full 13+ division.
What are the age restrictions?
There are no age restrictions to attend the event, but we are following the game manufacturer guidelines for ratings to establish the age groups specific games are open to. Because of ESRB ratings, the age limit is set at 13+ for “Fortnite”, “Valorant” and “Rocket League”. Gamers need to be at least 10-years-old to compete in “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate”. There are no age restrictions for the driving simulator or “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe”.

What prizes are up for grabs at SoDak Circuit?
The best gamers have a chance to win some serious cash. The top three in each game and each division will take home a prize. For the team games, the prizes are $750 for first, $450 for second and $225 for third (split three ways). “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” 13+ division, which will be played on the main stage, will award $350 for first, $250 for second and $100 for third.
For “Fortnite” and “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe” (13+ division), the top prize is $250, followed by $150 for second and $75 for third. In the Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. junior divisions, the top prize is a Nintendo Switch, $75 for second and $50 for third.
The custom racing simulator will be awarding a $100 top prize for both the 13+ division and junior division. Prizes will be awarded for the fastest time in the middle of the day and again at the conclusion of the day.
How long will my games take?
The more you win, the more you play! Expect to play your first game within the first hour or two as we get through all the rounds. While you are waiting for your turn, head over to the custom racing simulator and Fortnite – those games can be played anytime during the day, but make sure you are near the station for your other choice. If your name is called and you don’t show up within five minutes, you will forfeit your matches.
For those who keep winning and make it to the championship matches, you can expect to play until approximately 5:30 p.m.
How many people will I be competing against?
It depends on the game. There is no registration limit for Fortnite and the driving simulator, but we can only get through so many rounds during the day. The capacity for “Rocket League” and “Valorant” is 12 teams. For “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate”, the max is 64 (32 for the junior division). Up to 128 gamers can play “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe” in the 13+ division, while 64 can play in the junior division.

What are the rules for each game?
There are a lot of rules to be aware of – and it’s too much to mention here! Head over to the SoDak Circuit website to learn more about the specifics of each game. Those who understand how the games will be played and the settings being used will have an advantage.
How do team registrations work? Do I have to have a team of three?
In both “Valorant” and “Rocket League”, only the captain will register a team. The captain will enter all display names of teammates and/or a substitute on the registration page. Solo registrations are not accepted – we will not pair you with other players.
What equipment will be used?
SoDak Circuit will be using brand-new equipment for all its games. That includes 11 Nintendo Switches, 16 Xbox Series S consoles, nine PlayStation 5s and 11 PCs. The desktops are OMEN by HP 45L Gaming PCs. You can see more of the specs for those machines on our FAQ page on our website. In addition, we will have 28 gaming monitors, 33 55-inch TVs for viewing matches, a few 70-inch televisions and a 16 feet by 10 feet viewing wall for fans watching matches on the main stage.
Can I bring my own controllers or peripherals?
In order to make this event inclusive and fair, SoDak Circuit has purchased all of the equipment being used. No outside equipment, including controllers or peripherals will be allowed.
Can I change the controls on the game I’m playing?
Yes, you will have a chance to change the controls to suit your preferences before your match starts. They will be restored to default before the next person plays.
Will there be food available?
Yes, the Sioux Falls Convention Center will provide a concession stand with food and drink available for purchase. Stands will open at 9:30 am.
I don’t want to play. Can I still watch?
Absolutely! Please come and check out SoDak Circuit. There will be dozens of monitors displaying the action, and with multiple games going on at once, there’s plenty to see.

I’m bringing younger kids. Will there be anything for them to do?
Children of all ages can compete in our “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe” tournament and the driving simulator. We will also have stations that are free play where families can sit down and play for a while.
Do kids need a guardian present?
Yes, all minor children should have a guardian present.
Why is SDN Communications and its member-owner companies hosting an esports event?
SDN Communications and its 17 member-owner companies cover more than 80 percent of the state’s geography with high-speed fiber connectivity, and South Dakota’s public schools and universities rely on this network. With esports becoming a sanctioned sport in South Dakota this year, SoDak Circuit is a way for SDN and its member-owner companies to support the state’s education institutions.
SoDak Circuit is also a workforce retainment and recruitment tool. Research shows that gamers of all ages exhibit skillsets that are important for technical careers including telecom. Those skills include technical aptitude, teamwork, communication and problem solving. Providing gamers and our community with an in-person event to attend and participate in creates a fantastic opportunity to introduce our companies to them.
Lastly, esports can’t be played without fast and reliable internet. SDN Communications and their member-owner companies provide that 365 days a year. SoDak Circuit will help highlight the power of our combined 50,000+ mile network and give our community a place to come together and share their love of video games.