SDN Communications: Connecting South Dakota since 1989
The independent telephone companies of South Dakota connected their networks to establish the South Dakota Network (SDN) in 1989 to offer better long distance options to their customers. They have a history of always looking for better ways to serve their rural customers with big-city services.
In 1992, they opened our Sioux Falls office with nine employees.
As data and internet traffic started using the telephone network, SDN's network expanded.
SDN's network reaches eight states
In 2007, we built the Research, Education and Economic Development (REED) Network to connect all six public universities, the EROS Data Center and Sanford Lab at Homestake as a giant research tool.
Two years later, a $20 million federal broadband stimulus grant helped extend the SDN fiber network to hospitals, schools, libraries and public safety facilities in the state.
In 2011, we completed the first phase of a four-phase data center project. Each phase offers 10,000 square feet of raised floor space with suites that range in size from 1,000 to 10,000 square feet.
Today, the 17 owner companies, we call them Members, serve more than 80 percent of South Dakota’s geography. Nine of those companies’ general managers serve on our Board of Directors.
The network now touches more than 300 communities within South Dakota and eight states and offers connectivity to other regional and national networks.
Our Milestones
How SDN and its member-owner companies power esports
Training lab and virtual software keep SDN team in tip-top shape
How ConnectSD grants, SDN member companies link rural business owners
With nearly 100% buried fiber, SDN promises unprecedented UPTIME
Addition of Hurricane Electric makes SDN's Data Center 'most connected' in region
SDN Business Lounge gives travelers connectivity they need at airport