Cybersecurity Posters v.2

Free Cybersecurity Posters

Human error is the biggest reason for cyber breaches.
But that's something you can change.

Use the form to request a free download of our cybersecurity posters. Print and display them in your business to boost employee cyber awareness.

What is Ransomware Infographic


Keep your information from being held hostage. Ransomware attacks keep you from accessing your data until you pay a fee... it could be large or small. Don't take the risk.

Spoofing infographic


It's time to get super skeptical about the emails that land in your inbox. Don't click that link until you know the anatomy of a spoofed email.

Updating infographic


Updates and patches can fix vulnerabilities on your devices or network. It's what left Equifax vulnerable to hackers, putting millions of Americans' information at risk. Avoid a similar catastrophe with three simple steps.